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Press Releases

Website disclaimer

This website was funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). The information provided on this Website is not official U.S. Government information and does not represent the views or positions of USAID or the U.S. Government. 

The materials on this website are provided on an "as is" basis, without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including without limitation, warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. IOM specifically does not make any warranties or representations as to the appropriateness, quality, timeliness, accuracy or completeness of the materials. 

While IOM cannot make any warranties that there are no errors on the website, it does endeavour, where appropriate, to correct errors that are drawn to its attention. 

The use of the website is at a user's sole risk. By using the website, the user agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless IOM, its employees, information providers and content providers from and against any losses, damages, expenses (including legal fees and costs), claims, suits and liabilities to the extent arising out of or resulting from the use of the websites. 

Neither IOM nor any of its employees, information providers or content providers accept any responsibility whatsoever for the appropriateness, quality, accuracy, timeliness and completeness of the materials. 

Neither IOM nor any of its employees, information providers or content providers shall be liable to any user or anyone else for any inaccuracy, error, omission, interruption, timeliness, incompleteness, deletion, defect, failure of performance, computer virus, communication line failure, alteration or use of any content published on the website, regardless of cause, or for any damages resulting therefrom. 

If a user is dissatisfied with any material on the website or with any of the terms and conditions governing the website, a user's sole and exclusive remedy is to discontinue using the website. 

Boundaries and geographic names 

The depiction and use of boundaries, geographic names, and related data shown on maps and included in lists, tables, documents, and databases on the website are not warranted to be error free nor do they imply judgment on the legal status of any territory, or any endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries by IOM. 

Advice, opinions, and statements 

The website may contain advice, opinions, and statements of various information and content providers. IOM does not represent or endorse the accuracy or reliability of any advice, opinion, statement or other information provided by any information provider or content provider, any user of the website or any other person or entity. Reliance upon any such opinion, advice, statement, or other information shall be at a user's own risk. 

Other websites 

IOM does not necessarily support policies and beliefs of organizations and individuals listed or referred to in materials held on the website. 

IOM does not provide any warranties and specifically disclaims any liability whatsoever in connection with third party websites or links. IOM provides linked sites only as a convenience and the inclusion of a link or reference does not imply the endorsement of the linked site by IOM. 

Other users 

A user specifically acknowledges and agrees that IOM is not liable for any conduct of any user. 

Bugs, virus, malicious code, etc. 

While IOM makes every effort to ensure the materials available on the website are free of any software virus, it cannot guarantee that the materials are free from any or all software viruses. IOM is not responsible for any loss or damage caused by software and related codes, including viruses and worms. 

Security measures 

The websites implement a series of technologies and security measures, such as encryption and/or authentication tools, in order to safeguard the information maintained on IOM's systems from misuse, unauthorized access or disclosure, alteration, or loss. 

Although IOM applies reasonable means to ensure that the information you furnish is not used by third parties for purposes other than that for which it was provided, IOM cannot guarantee that unauthorized third parties will never be able to defeat security measures or use your personal information for improper purposes. You should be aware that no transmission of information via the internet is ever totally secure. Transmission is therefore at your own risk. 

Online service providers 

While IOM has a strong interest in the integrity of its online service providers, particularly with a view towards their reliability and the protection of personal and credit card information, it does not provide any warranties and specifically disclaims any liability whatsoever in connection with services. IOM further disclaims any liability of any nature for any loss or damage howsoever caused in connection with using any of the services. 

Electronic messages 

IOM attempts to respond to electronic messages sent to e-mail addresses listed on the website. However, IOM is under no obligation whatsoever to respond to any or all such messages. 


The website is best viewed with Microsoft Edge and recent versions of Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari and Chrome using 1152 x 720 pixels screen resolution and maximized browser window. 

Notification of changes 

IOM reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time, without notice. 

IOM will post changes to these terms and conditions at: terms-conditions 


Nothing in these terms and conditions affects the privileges and immunities enjoyed by IOM as an intergovernmental organization.